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What is electrolysis?2022-02-09T08:27:07+00:00

Electrolysis is a procedure used to illuminate unwanted hair permanently.

How does it work?2022-02-09T08:31:04+00:00

A licensed electrologist will insert a probe into a hair follicle alongside the hair and delivers a small tolerable amount of electricity or heat to destroy the root of the hair causing the hair to be gone for good.

Is electrolysis permanent?2022-02-09T08:31:29+00:00

Electrolysis has been recognized by physicians, hundreds of scientific articles and participants testimonies that it is an effective and permanent method of hair removal for over 100 years.

Are there any side effects to the treatment of electrolysis?2022-02-09T08:31:58+00:00

This treatment has been performed for over 120 years. It has been proven to be safe and effective. As with any other procedure there is usually a healing time. This can include a little redness, swelling, and sometimes a pin prick size scab that heals within a few days.

Is electrolysis painful?2022-02-09T08:32:27+00:00

Everyone’s pain threshold is different. During the treatment, there is a sense of heat under the skin but for a fraction of a second. Most people have a complete tolerance for an effective treatment, and for some there is always a way to adjust the intensity of the “heat” to make it more tolerable. Once the treatment is complete the sensation of tingling or stinging is gone.

How many treatments will it take?2022-02-09T08:32:52+00:00

The process of permanent hair removal will take several treatments. The number of treatments varies from person to person and depends on such factors as the density and coarseness of the hair, how well the individual can tolerate the treatment and importantly, the cause of the unwanted hair and the method of temporary removal of the hair in the past. Treatment to clear an area will be more frequent in the beginning and will require less and less time as the treatments continue. Your commitment will be important to the success of the results.

What are some of the causes of unwanted hair?2022-02-09T08:35:37+00:00

There are many reasons one can have excessive hair growth. Here are just a few:
* Heredity
* Normal physiological changes
* Malfunction of the endocrine system
* Certain medications
* Topical influences
* Stress
* Puberty, pregnancy, and menopause

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